
Get started

This section will guide you to your first occurrence cube. It refers, to and is based on the GBIF API SQL Downloads and the Species occurrence cubes documentation.


Check the following:

Your first API SQL Download

The very first example as provided by GBIF should work fine. In the curl command, just replace YOUR_GBIF_USERNAME and YOUR_PASSWORD with your credentials. In the query.json file, please replace "userEmail@example.org" with your email address, or remove the notificationAddresses and set "sendNotification": false.

curl --include --user YOUR_GBIF_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @query.json https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request

Notice that you can give another name than query.json to the file containing the SQL query, i.e. other_name_than_query.json. So, if you cloned this repository and are in folder ./examples/examples_gbif, you can replace @query.json with @other_name_than_query.json and the same download will be triggered again: a “cube” with the number of occurrences from Europe per dataset and country will be generated again, with a new DOI and downloadKey:

curl --include --user YOUR_GBIF_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @other_name_than_query.json https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request

Tip: use always a meaningful filename. query.json is good for a first test, but not more than that :-)

Notice also that you can generate the same download by running the curl commands from another directory. For example, if you are in the root directory of this gitHub repository and you are on a Windows machine, using @examples\examples_gbif\query.json in the curl command will do the job:

curl --include --user YOUR_GBIF_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @examples\examples_gbif\query.json https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request

As shown on GBIF documentation page, you can make use of the Query Validation tool, before triggering a download. Handy, isn’t?

Your first species occurrence cube

The main reference to build your first species occurrence cube is the Species occurrence cubes page on Tech Docs of GBIF.

You can run your first species occurrence cube by slightly manipulating the final SQL query in Section Write Full Query. You will have to:

You can find the final json file, cube_test.json, in examples/examples_gbif directory. Submit the request as we did it before:

curl --include --user YOUR_GBIF_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @examples\examples_gbif\cube_test.json https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request

I also asked to add the final adjusted query to the Species occurrence cubes page, see issue tech-docs#97.